13/07/2024 - 14/07/2024

Festa de la Ceràmica 2024

The ceramics run along the streets of Manises and during the 13th and 14th of July they will be able to participate in different recreational and festive activities.

As is traditional, the artisans leave the workshops during the weekend and go on the road to show us the process of making ceramic crafts. You will be able to contemplate all kinds of techniques and procedures, such as metal reflex, painting, raku, tornejat, flower realization, vímet or socarrats.

All attendees will be able to pose in practice what they have seen and take home their own creation. The visitor will be able to enjoy different activities and educational workshops for the entire family.

The activities will be guided by expert artisans such as Drac Ceramic, Aliarte, Francisco Mas Tortosa, Porcelanas Mercedes, Encisar-te, Antonia Balastegui Reca, Arturo Mora, Pepe Royo, Rafa Mora, Francisco Álvarez, La Botiga de Gema, Nacho Suministros Cerámicos, Educart , Antonio Cordero Herrera, ANPEC, Taulellet,  EA+SC -Escola d'Art i Superior de Ceràmica de Manises, Cerámicas Viki Rodríguez, Solc de l'Art.

In addition, the Centro Ocupacional Francisco Navarro and the associations will also participate: Clavaria Santes Justa i Rufina, Ceràmica dels Papes, Amics de l'MCM and, of course, the Asociación Valenciana de Cerámica AVEC-Gremio.

Likewise, as a UNESCO creative city, we will have national and international participants from other creative cities in the world such as Barcelos (Portugal), Paducah (United States), San Cristobal de las Casas (Mexico).

Date: Saturday July 13th and Sunday July 14th.

Hours: 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Location: Av. Blasco Ibáñez - Manises.



The popular aioli contest arrives this year with more expectations than ever.

Participation limited to 60 participants.

Information and registration at: www.manisesturismo.es and Manises Tourism Office.

Date: Saturday, July 13.

Time: 8:00 p.m.

Location: Av. Blasco Ibáñez - Manises.

Bases: download the bases here.

Registration: download the registration here.

Online registration: click for online registration.


On Sunday, during the celebration of the Festa de la Ceràmica, a wheel competition will take place whose participation is open and where there will be two categories: amateur and professional.

This event, organized by Drac Ceramic Manises and Vicente Díez, will challenge participants to show their skills.

Link to the event with complete information.

Date: Sunday, July 14.

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Av. Blasco Ibáñez - Manises.


Get fantastic prizes with your photographs.

Lunch or dinner award for 2 people at Los Porrones: see here

1 night stay award at Casa Majolica: see here


The Promotion Center of the Asociación Valenciana de Cerámica AVEC-Gremio will host, from July 11 to September 10, one of the most acclaimed exhibitions in Manises.

The Festa de la Ceràmica exhibition shows the work done by artisans and in it you can see designs made in different techniques, colors and pastes.

Date: From July 11 to September 10, 2024.

Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

From July 29 to 31 closed in the afternoon.

Closed August 15 and 16.

From August 19 to 23 closed in the afternoon.

Closed from August 26 to 30.

Location: c/ Valencia, 29 - Manises


In 2024 the artisan honored is Ignacio Soler. This award is a recognition of his work linked to ceramics and above all his selfless participation in leading the raku demonstrations that take place during the Festa de la Ceràmica.

Date: Thursday, July 11.

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Germanias Auditorium (c/ García Lorca, 6 - Manises)

Poster for the 2024 Ceramics Festival