Get to know our craftspeople

The town of Manises has a unique ceramics business system, which encompasses everyone from producers of raw materials right up to retailers. You will find information on all of them in the Manises es cerámica website.

Nevertheless, it is undoubtedly our artists and craftspeople who most arouse admiration. It is impossible not to succumb to the charm of hands working clay and creating incredibly beautiful exclusive pieces and unique works.

This is why we would like you to get to know them. You will see that you can enjoy a variety of experiences in their workshops, such as following beginners’ or advanced courses, as well as other fun activities directed at children and adults alike.

In addition, if you are interested in acquiring any of the works and having a souvenir of your stay in our city, simply click on this link.

A unique opportunity to have a great time with pottery.

More information:

Ceramic Experiences brochure